We went to the State Fair. It was Stevie's first time. He absolutely loved seeing the tractors! If you look close enough to this picture though, you will see that he really is not happy. He was terrified to stand in the tire. And the wonderful mom I am, had to hurry and snap the picture!!

This kid is scared of nothing! (Well except for tractor wheels!) You had to pay a quarter to get some feed for the animals, but lucky for me, my brilliant son picked up feed on the ground that others had dropped! Such a good boy for saving me some money!!

The two kids just goofing off! Stevie just loves his little sister. He is always by her trying to make her happy! Here he laid by her and she was just watching him be his silly self!

One of my favorites of Adalyn! And I took it mysefl! She is such a precious little girl!
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