Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Adalyn First Birthday

This was back in April too.  Needless to say, she was not one for all the attention.  

Her first party was with the Vail's.  She was not too happy about it as you can see.

By the time I calmed her down she just drug her finger through the icing.
Her little cake was supposed to be an Easter egg, but the frosting kinda melted and looked more like a green blob!  (I dont claim, and prob. never will claim to be much of a cake decorator!)

Second try was at my mom's!  At least this time she did not cry when we sang!  (thats a step forward!)
Yes, I tried to egg cake again.  Turned out a little better, just cause I really didnt try! 

She did the same thing here too though.  Just drug her finger through the cake.  I swear any other time, this girl attacks cake and sweets, well anything!!

Stevie was getting tired of her just picking and decided to take matters into his own hands!

What a wonderful brother!  

A bite for her, and bite for him!

Cousin Owen decided to play along too!

In the end, she seemed to like the ice cream cake that (soon to be aunt) Andrea made.

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